Weird Thought #34
Don't ask where this came from, but....
Do men that have sex change operations have to do some special hygiene in their 'new' vagina?
If they don't will they get 'cooter' lint.. like belly button lint?
---- Welcome to my head -------
I don't know what got me thinking about that. I know that a natural born females vagina is pretty much a self cleaning unit. We have various fluids and processes our bodies produce to naturally clean the inner part of our bodies.
I know that sex changed women have to use ALOT of lube when they do have sex. That's because their 'vaginas' don't produce natural lubrication.
I mean granted... I've never really walked around with my panties full of pop-rocks and paper clips to see how effective my body is at preventing and removing foreign bodies... but still
On 2nd thought.. mmm pop-rocks.. get it wet .. sprinkle.. uh yeah where was I again? (mental note: buy 3 pack of pop-rocks before beaus next visit)
These are the kinda odd thoughts that sometimes side-swipe my normal (*snicker* normal .. yeah right!) point A to point C thinking.
Do men that have sex change operations have to do some special hygiene in their 'new' vagina?
If they don't will they get 'cooter' lint.. like belly button lint?
---- Welcome to my head -------
I don't know what got me thinking about that. I know that a natural born females vagina is pretty much a self cleaning unit. We have various fluids and processes our bodies produce to naturally clean the inner part of our bodies.
I know that sex changed women have to use ALOT of lube when they do have sex. That's because their 'vaginas' don't produce natural lubrication.
I mean granted... I've never really walked around with my panties full of pop-rocks and paper clips to see how effective my body is at preventing and removing foreign bodies... but still
On 2nd thought.. mmm pop-rocks.. get it wet .. sprinkle.. uh yeah where was I again? (mental note: buy 3 pack of pop-rocks before beaus next visit)
These are the kinda odd thoughts that sometimes side-swipe my normal (*snicker* normal .. yeah right!) point A to point C thinking.
Im still unclear on how they make an innie an outtie?
Amanda, at 9:14 PM
Pop rocks and paper clips, eh?
:: jozjozjoz ::, at 9:28 PM
I knew there was a valid reason why I love ya and considered u a friend lol
Moon, at 1:18 AM
You know, that's a VERY good question.
DementedPhotographer, at 1:47 PM
*note to self: turn images off before googling this at work*
*another note to self: damn.*
*and for the record, while I'm making notes, is called "vaginaplasty."*
*and damn if they don't look real, sometimes*
*pop rocks?*
*oh, and to answer your question, "summers eve"*
Silly Old Bear, at 3:25 PM
Lol! I hope your long distance relationship becomes a short distance relationship as soon as possible...I think its all starting to go to your head!
portuguesa nova, at 9:48 PM
point A to point C, eh? i think you jumped off the alphabet altogether, there, and hit some sort of martian langauge.
D.X., at 10:33 PM
Heh, maybe the doctors give them a special cooter brush to help keep things tidy. Just think if the brush itself was lubricated....
smizzo, at 5:19 PM
#34?! I am intrigued what those previous 33 weird thoughts were...
There are a lot of inventions embedded here in this post you should follow through on.... the only problem is they cannot be sold "as seen on tv" :)
Peeyush, at 2:48 AM
Now I have something else to ask her. It is a good thing my genuine curiosity amuses her and she is kind. We have been through the breast and hormone questions. I suppose it is only natural to move into that area. Heh. Absolutely no pun intended.
Justice, at 11:48 AM
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