I miss my writers bump...
There was a time.. In the dark years.. (kids cover your eyes) before computers were main stream (gasp)... when you could tell people of words.
You could tell by looking at the second or third finger of (generally) the right hand.
There was... *insert heroic music here* a writer's bump.
I remember sitting in a coffee shop idly watching a man talk with his hands. His second finger had the tell-tale mark of a man of many, and probably, well written words. The callous like bump on the finger said as much.
I have always written.. I've written my letters to nowhere in times of sress, I've had penpals across the US and one in France. I consider a typed personal letter to be a sin ranking higher than .. oh I don't know.. spitting on elderly people.
As I was writing a Thank You note, on my best stationary, to Bettie at HOUSE OF HINES. I started to feel a bit of pressure in the spot where my, now extinct, writers bump used to be.
Oddly enough, I felt a sense of true loss. An era has passed.
You could tell by looking at the second or third finger of (generally) the right hand.
There was... *insert heroic music here* a writer's bump.
I remember sitting in a coffee shop idly watching a man talk with his hands. His second finger had the tell-tale mark of a man of many, and probably, well written words. The callous like bump on the finger said as much.
I have always written.. I've written my letters to nowhere in times of sress, I've had penpals across the US and one in France. I consider a typed personal letter to be a sin ranking higher than .. oh I don't know.. spitting on elderly people.
As I was writing a Thank You note, on my best stationary, to Bettie at HOUSE OF HINES. I started to feel a bit of pressure in the spot where my, now extinct, writers bump used to be.
Oddly enough, I felt a sense of true loss. An era has passed.
I still have mine. As much as I blog, nothing beats a regular old write in it with your favorite pen journal. It's nicer than blogging because there is no worry about whether or not anyone is reading- you don't want anyone else to read it.
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM
I never knew the callous was there to watch for it. rats.
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM
It's so odd that you chose to talk bout writers bump. Earl an I were having that same conversation the other day,, I still have mine, it's not as prominent as it used to be, but I miss the personal touch that comes from writing out things longhand.
reesie, at 10:10 AM
Oh yes! and the recieving of hand written letters is something i miss. All the stuff that went with letters nice stationary never use green ink... all gone. Have a great weekend
Anonymous, at 5:37 AM
I don't really missing writing by hand. I type a lot faster than I write and I have terrible penmanship and spelling. Though going to the mailbox and finding a letter was always a nice feeling.
LeMas., at 4:45 PM
I'm glad I still have mine. I'm 16 and while everyone I know chooses to type on their swivel laptops I choose to write, it's causes less havoc with a pen than a bunch of keys on a keyboard... Mine's on my third finger. :)
Anonymous, at 3:03 PM
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