I want him back
I want my brother back. please god I want him back. Id crawl on my belly thru 6 miles of broken glass to have him here w/ me. to be able to call mom and say it was some terrible terrible mistake and that he's alive. I want him to make fun of me again. I want to tell him he's an idiot .. I want to relive the worst fight we ever had.. just please please I want him back .. oh please tell me it's not true and he's not dead. He's my brother, I changed his diapers god I helped raise him. I want him back. please please even if I never saw or heard from him again I want him to be alive .. to be back.. oh god.. this hurts so fucking bad. i cant sleep, i cant .. everytime I lay down I see his body, lying there on the sofe. I want him back. I want to scream and cuss at him.. hell I want him to hit me, knock me down.. just god please let him be alive. oh johny, john john.. i love you much. I miss you brother.. please ..
Ive got a Rx for valium but I dont want to take them. I cant imagine not hurting.. I want my grief, every last bitter drop I love you John
Damn it John.. I told you to leave the drugs and alcohol alone. Fuck you for not listening to me. You'd be here with us. We'd not be dying inside like this. I hope if nothing else this will be a wakeup call for the family that IS still battling drug/alcohol addiction. John I love you. Jonny.. oh john why? why?
Ive got a Rx for valium but I dont want to take them. I cant imagine not hurting.. I want my grief, every last bitter drop I love you John
Damn it John.. I told you to leave the drugs and alcohol alone. Fuck you for not listening to me. You'd be here with us. We'd not be dying inside like this. I hope if nothing else this will be a wakeup call for the family that IS still battling drug/alcohol addiction. John I love you. Jonny.. oh john why? why?
Jenn I know you're numb with pain, but you have to take care of you!!! James needs you, Sweetie. If you need me let me know. I'll call and you can talk or cry, whatever you need. Just remember we all Love you!!
Love, at 1:03 AM
Let out the pain, let out the anger, scream, rant, rave...and then when you are done weeping, scream some more. To lose such a young, vital and exhuberant young man (from the photo) at such a young age is a travesty. The numbness you described Jen will subside, later, when all the officials are gone, and extended family gone back home to their own lives. That is when it will hit you full-force, when you will need to talk, when you will need to grieve. When that time comes, be it weeks from now, or a year from now, remember we are here for you.
JustSue, at 8:39 AM
I'm so sorry. i know how you feel i have been there. Time heals a little, i wish i could help you. mellowyellow http://older.blogdrive.com
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM
i know it hurts. I had two friends wich died of taking drugs. it is really bad, but then u realize that was their decision and they weren't thinking about the others, so try to suffer as less as u can. i know it's easy to say, but it's the only way that i found.
A catalan reader.
Joan, at 10:12 AM
I am so sorry for your loss, I have lost my nephew, my dad, and now my daughter...I also have been the "strong" one, but I don't know how much more I can take. The only words of advice I can give you are that the pain gets easier to deal with over time. My best to you
fairygirl701, at 1:11 PM
My heart goes out to you for your loss. I suppose it hits me hard because I used to be like Johnny. Diagnosed as addicted to cocaine and crank back in 88. Been clean ever since... thank God. But, the harsh reality is that I could have died like that too.
I grieve with you for your loss... knowing that but for the grace of God I could have put my own family thru that kind of grief.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
My heart goes out to you for your loss. I suppose it hits me hard because I used to be like Johnny. Diagnosed as addicted to cocaine and crank back in 88. Been clean ever since... thank God. But, the harsh reality is that I could have died like that too.
I grieve with you for your loss... knowing that but for the grace of God I could have put my own family thru that kind of grief.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
From your post I can feel your pain. I'm so sorry and my thoughts and prayers are with you. It will be hard but you'll make it through.
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM
I know nothing I can say will help, so I'll just say I'm sorry for your loss.
Anne, at 2:43 PM
Many of us in blogger land are total strangers but let me say that just by reading your words I feel your pain. Your words make me want to live a better life, be a better person, do things right. May you find peace...
Mike, at 3:22 PM
I don't know what to say. Except that I am just so, so sorry. And that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
- QC
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM
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